Editorial Profile

Hey dudes and dudettes,

Riff magazine is a brand new music magazine focusing on the Heavy Metal genre. This has to be my favourite type of music to listen to because I can have a good head bang or play the air guitar to the songs. Whenever you're feeling stressed there's nothing like taking it out on your own head with a good head bang. Listening to bands such as Tenacious D, the Foo fighters and Manowar is the perfect cure for a stressful day. Riff is a magazine targeted at a wide age range, aging from people around my age (16) to people in their forties, that just want to discover new Bangs that they may like and read up on the goings-on of bands they already know and love. So get readin' fellow rockers!


A useful link

This is a link to a page on the Q magazine website which displays all of their past front covers, this was useful to find a front cover to deconstruct.

Contents Deconstructions

The first deconstruction is of a Kerrang contents page. This is my favourite contents page because I believe it's the best laid out because it shows and image of each featured band along with the article name and page. I will possible use a similar layout for my contents page.

The third deconstruction is of a contents page for NME magazine. I do like this magazine but i believe it is too busy which makes it look messy, although this contents does the job the best, because of it giving a lot of page references. I may take inspiration on the layout of this contents page for my own, but would not put in a band index. 

DPS Deconstructions

The third deconstruction is of a double page spread taken from Kerrang magazine. I believe that this page needs more articles and information, not just a paragraph or two with an image that takes up the whole page. I do like the photo on this page, because it is an action shot of a band in mid performance. I will most likely use a similar photograph for my DPS or maybe my front cover, because it tells us that it's a music magazine straight away.  

Front cover Deconstructions

The first front cover I deconstructed was for Total Guitar magazine. This is my favourite front cover out of the three and it is the one i will take the most inspiration from. I personally like the colours that were used the green and black work very well together, and i will likely use the same colours. The layout works very well for a front cover with a variety of bands and images of the bands were listed down each side. The main article in a big circle with big text right in the center of the page. I'm my front cover I shall use similar colours and layout.

The third deconstruction is of a front cover for Kerrang magazine. This is my second favourite magazine front cover out of the ones I deconstructed, because the colours combination works very well for the genre of music it's representing. The red and black colours fit in with costumes that the featured band is wearing. I will possibly use similar front covers.

Risk assessment

This is a table to assess the risks of having a photo-shoot in a school music room. I made this risk assessment at school, in about 10 minutes.

Customer Profile

This is Vernon. He is a single 19-year-old assistant in a music shop located in Hull. He is a massive fan of bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Motley Crue. Vernon enjoys live gigs and rocking out of his electric guitar with his friend Phil. Sadly, Vernon has regular head aches from excessive head banging, which has stopped him from rocking out so much, he is very disheartened by this. Vernon has always aspired to be in a top heavy metal band, but has never succeeded. He also enjoys reading rock/metal magazines and fantasizing about being in the bands featured in them. He hopes for a magazine that will give him hints and tips on becoming a successful rocker that also features his favorite bands so that he can fantasize.


 (Results are listed in the comment section of this post.)

This is my questionnaire. I will give 15 of these out to people of different ages and genders with the hope to find out which band is the most popular, which names are the most popular, which colour combination is the most popular and which font is the most popular. 

Fonts and Colours

 These are some font ideals i simply got off Microsoft word. My favourite font out of these that i believe fits in with the rock/metal genre is the 4th one. (I will most likely not use scrap metal as the name of my magazine, this is only an example.)

These are some colour combination ideas that i made in Microsoft word. My favorites from these are the black background with green text, and the black background with the red text. (I will most likely not use scrap metal as the name of my magazine, this was used because it fitted in the boxes perfectly).  

Pre Lim Task

(Click to enlarge)

For my pre Lim task i was tasked to create a front cover of a school or college magazine. I took a photo of a friend of mine infront of a piece of art work in the school and used that as the main image.