Contents page - Final (I hope)

This is the end result of my contents page after I had taken on board all the criticism I received for my first draft of my contents. I have moved the editorial profile to the bottom of the page from the top because it was too congested there, I also added a photo of myself to the editorial profile as requested. I have also changed the 'Devil horns' logo to make it more obvious that it is what it is, I was a bit sceptical about doing this first, but it worked out fine. There was a small bland space underneath the word 'contents' so I came up with the slogan 'no one can destroy the metal!' and added it to the page. Another change I made was I added some images of the featured articles to the left of the page, a picture of my made up band Ironfire, a picture of Black Sabbath to go with my article 'Black Sabbath reforming?', and finally a photo of Justin Bieber with a mustache etc drawn on him to go with the article '10 reasons why Justin Bieber sucks'. The final changes I made were changing the font on the articles and the drop shadow to the colour orange, I also put some red on the shadows of my background image.

All in all I think this looks like a very professional contents page with a good use of colours and images with a recognisable house style and masthead.

Front Cover - Final

This is definitely my final version of the front cover... Really.

Product Placement

Today, I went to the local newsagents to take some photos of my magazine next to some already existing music magazines on a display case to see if it looked like a professional cover. The one thing I didn't like about it that when I printed it, it left a small white boarder around the edge, but it's hardly noticeable. I think it looked best next to Kerrang because of them being of a very similar genre. I think without the white boarder then it would definatly look right in a shop.